Your Lot Your Way
A strong foundation is the basis of a properly built home, so you can start strong with site preparation and permitting done your way.
Preparing Your Site
As the saying goes, you can’t build a great home on a weak foundation. We want you to experience the joys of home building by equipping you with the confidence and knowledge you need to transform your raw land into a site primed for construction.
Site Preparation and Permitting is one of the most important aspects of home building. At On Your Lot Homes, Site Preparation and Permitting is the initial legal (permits and associated fees), site (clearing, grading, excavation, and stabilization), and engineering (survey, site plan(s), and utility connection) work required to get your lot ready for your home construction.
Many people think Site Preparation and Permitting is a tedious and complex chore, and they’re not wrong. It can sometimes seem overwhelming, and a significant amount of coordination is required. However, doing it right will help ensure the overall success of your new home-building project.
The OYL Homes team will visit your site and prepare a comprehensive site preparation plan and estimate. Our involvement in this process can be as minimal or extensive as you'd like. We offer three (3) levels of service:
You will be assigned a Site Production Manager, but you will completely control the site preparation and permitting process. This includes applying (we can help prepare the applications), securing and delivering all required permits to us, funding and securing any required bonds and insurance, and bidding and hiring the various contractors to perform all site preparation work. This will all be documented and added via an addendum to your purchase agreement.
You are in charge. You will coordinate a meeting with your selected site contractors and our Production Manager to understand the policies and procedures and provide all necessary bonding and insurance information.
You are assigned a Site Production Manager, and the OYL Homes Team is your dedicated resource, assisting with permit applications, bonds, insurance, contractors, and site preparation work (i.e., clearing, grading, engineering, and utilities). We will work with your lender to ensure full loan compliance. This will all be documented and added via an addendum to your purchase agreement.
You will have peace of mind knowing that OYL Homes is taking the lead to perform every step to prepare the applications, securing and delivering all required permits, securing any required bonds and insurance, and bidding and hiring the various contractors to perform all site preparation work.
The On Your Lot Homes team will oversee all the legal (permits, bonding, insurance, and associated fees), site (clearing, grading, excavation, and stabilization), and engineering (survey, soil, geotechnical, and utility connections) work required to get your lot ready for construction.
Total white-glove service, from start to finish, we do it ALL! Nothing is left to chance. The ultimate time-honored, most comprehensive way to prepare your site is to leave it to us.
With your permits in place and your site work complete, you’re ready to build your home!